“Some of my earliest memories are picking wild fruits with my grandma for wines and desserts and making nettle tea in the garden. I have always been deeply passionate about nature. 

At 18 I set off travelling and learned different farming techniques in Canada, Nicaragua and the Isles of Scilly. On my return to Britain I became more heavily interested in ecology, then environmental activism. Foraging and growing food became a bigger part of my life and I'm still discovering something new every day! 

In 2021 I finally had the opportunity to fulfil my dream of living and working on the land using permaculture principles to protect and enhance biodiversity. My young son loves helping out here in Carmarthenshire (read: he eats all the berries before I get a chance!) 

I'm far from an expert on anything but I have plenty of life experience and I'm bringing everything I've learned so far together here to grow delicious herbs and spices whilst the land continues to teach me. I love to cook and my travels have helped me be able to match unusual flavours to make mouth watering combinations. 

This project is a dream come true and as I watch the herbs flourish, the biodiversity boom and the food miles shrink, I feel blessed to be able to provide affordable, healthy ingredients which go from field to packet in a matter of hours with no chemical nonsense involved. I hope you love them as much as we do!”

Sami - Roots Founder


"Our ancestors and lands were exploited, agriculture was disparaged, but we are part of a new generation that sees sustainable agriculture and food sovereignty as an act of rebellion." - Ian Pagán-Roig

Website design by Secret Dave